Amos Perez,

Web Designer

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Driven Learner & Avid-Practitioner

A passionate web developer with a high-achieving mindset.

I'm a computer science student set to graduate in 2025. I use and continuously learn about HTML, CSS, PHP, and other web technologies, always seeking to innovate and elevate web experiences.

Organized, Efficient, Goal-Oriented

Strategically balancing creativity and structure.

My approach blends structured, organized planning and research with creative problem-solving, ensuring each assignment is a mix of hard-work and creativity.

Informed, User-Centric Design

Enhancing user experience through research & commitment.

My strategy for developing or refining websites involves improving information architecture for intuitive user-journeys. This involves creating a logical flow logical flow of relevant content, ensuring ease of navigation, and implementing design that engages and retains users effectively.

Featured Projects

UCF WordPress Theme

To showcase my ability to learn and use WordPress and Bootstrap, I created a downloadable and implementable WordPress Theme.


Knightwrite Consulting, Inc.

The official website for Knightwrite Consulting. This was completed for the "Final Draft - Formation of a Writing Agency" as part of the ENC3250 Professional Writing Course. Made in collaboration with the 3 other students featured on the site.

View Website

The very first deployed website I ever designed and built. It is not pretty, but it is live and it works!


A Report on the Ethics of Generative AI in Academia

The rise in popularity of the generative artificial intelligence has initiated a change in the world almost overnight. In as few as 5 days, the chatbot application ChatGPT reached 1 million users. In just 2.5 months, the application reached 100 million users. Students of all grades are using ChatGPT.

Coming Soon